
Japan Toray Company visited Shanghai Shenli Technology
July 31, Japan Toray company fuel cell materials business trip to visit Shanghai Shenli Technology, the meeting was held in the third floor conference room, by billion Huatong Technology Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Jia Neng uranium hosted.
Dongli Group is the world's leading high-tech multinational companies with organic synthesis, polymer chemistry and biochemistry as the core technology. He emphasizes that Dongli Company is emphasizing the history of Toray's products. Battery core materials, strategic planning and technical advantages, to the market to provide a full range of commercial film products, and he also strongly expressed willingness to explore with the god of science and technology, key areas in the fuel cell cooperation possibilities.
Then, Shanghai Shenli Technology Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Gan Quan introduced the development process of divine science and technology, technological achievements and success stories. Shenli Technology is the focus of the Ministry of Science and Technology to cultivate the Shanghai municipal government focus on the support of new energy high-tech enterprises to proton exchange membrane fuel cell R & D and industrialization as a development goal, is the domestic fuel cell technology research and development and industrialization leader, Year Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo fuel cell vehicle demonstration of the main suppliers, with the Beijing auto Fukuda, Shanghai Shenlong, Suzhou Jinlong and other well-known domestic vehicle factory cooperation, and actively develop fuel cell new energy vehicles.
Finally, Jia total Dongli company in the field of fuel cell materials in the field of leadership, to give a positive evaluation; Toray company on the power of science and technology to promote the contribution of fuel cell industry greatly appreciated, the two sides also on the initial cooperation in fuel cell materials Conducted a detailed discussion and discussion, for further friendly cooperation to consolidate the foundation.

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